Selasa, 22 Juni 2010






JULY 12ND , 201o
At 7 p.m.
The presence of English as a universal language assumes importance in the fact that more and more people leave their countries not only for the sake of business and pleasure, but also for studying. Education has increased the role of English. People who go to another country to study can only have English as their medium of study. This is because the individual will not be able to learn a subject in the local language of the country. This is because the individual will not be able to learn a subject in the local language of the country. But, sometimes English make us bored. So, with information technology we can enjoy learning English.
Why do I say that?
First, because the technology itself is used in English. So someone can immediately practice their English skills. It also will make us more understanding about the information technology.
Secondly, learning with information technology such as computer, will make learning more fun. We can do a chat with our other friends with English. That is, we also invite our friends to practice English language skills.
Thirdly, will be easier for a teacher to provide a test. They also do not have to bother correcting. In computers, the value will appear automatically. Therefore, by using information technology, teachers can be more efficient.
Therefore, we must use IT for English lesson. Because there are many benefits we can get. And with IT, learning will be more enjoyable and more efficient.

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

This is HISTORICAL objects. Great for increase our knowledge!

Pari Temple

There are many kinds of Mojopahit’s that left in Sidoarjo. One of them is Pari temple, which located in Porong district about 15 km to east of Sidoarjo. It is Mojopahit temple and it is the biggest temple in Sidoarjo. Its building has KHMER (Birm) da campa (Thailand) styles. The temple was built on the fertile land that product many kinds of farm production.

Mpu Tantular Museum

Museum is a place to keep save the historic things well. Those things are very usefull for the rich of the culture, education, and as a tourism place. Mpu Tantular had built by Van Faber (a collector from Germany who had live at Surabaya for along time). In 1th november 1974, this museum had declared as “Museum Negeri Prop. Jawa Timur Empu Tantular”. Actually Mpu Tantular Museum is continued from Stedelijk Historisch Museum in Surabaya which has made by Von Faber was a German, but he is a Surabayanese. Foundation of Universal has made since 1933, but it has just inagurated on 25th July 1937 on Jalan Pemuda 33 Surabaya.

Work hard has been started since 1922 where Von Faber started to collected his data which sistematic to be used as writing part book of OLD SURABAYA.3.
Museum was build by Von Faber, He started with as small object in Readhius Ketabang Room. This place is too far from what his hopes. And then there is bargain from Widow of Han Tjiong King to move that museum in Tegalsari which bigger about fifth time from the old place.

Because growing up that museum, that museum isnít enough. Sould be tried to be a bigger room and then he got a new building in Simpang (Pemuda street no. 3) and paid from fund collected by peoples. Interior of this museum has a colection rooms, library, office room, auditorium. To make perfect that museum Von Faber has connected internationally but before he get his inspiration Von Faber died on 30th September 1955.

The Meaning of Mpu Tantular

Mpu Tantular choosen as a name for National Museum of East Java because to respected his point of view about live in Indonesia and its called Power Element National of Indonesia which is Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Mpu Tantular is a philologist from East Java who was live in 14th Century. When he have research about the glorious period of Majapahit Kingdom.

Princess Ayu Dewi Sekar Dadu Grave

According to the history, Princess Ayu Dewi Sekar Dadu is King Blambangan daughter named Minak Sembuyu, who also known as Sunan Giri’s mother. Princess Ayu Dewi Sekar Dadu died and buried in Kepetingan, Sawahan village, Buduran district. The society always has pilgrimage this grave every Nyadran ceremony, which held every Ruwah month (Islam month), a week before Romadhon. Nyadran ceremony is a happy day for the fisherman that looking for ‘Kupang’ who live in Balong Dowo village, Candi district. In this ceremony they go to the sea by boat and try to looking for ‘Kupang’.

This is SHOPPING objects. Have a nice shopping!


Tanggulangin is known as the center of bag, case, shoe, and embroidery handicraft. Laid at + 2 km southward of Sidoarjo city. Most of the Tanggulangin people make those handicrafts and sell it to the market till to the whole country. Usually, the consuments buy the products by retail and also grocery. We also can meet the beauty pattern of embroidery and cloth, which had product by the crafteman. They offer its products with lower price and good quality.

Tanggulangin is known as the center of bag, case, shoe, and embroidery handicraft. Laid at + 2 km southward of Sidoarjo city. Most of the Tanggulangin people make those handicraft and sell it to the market till to the whole country. Usually, the consument buy the products by retail and also grocery.
We also can meet the beauty pattern of embroidery and cloth, which had product by the crafteman. They offer its products with lower price and good quality. The consumer can order the products as they want or they can buy the products which have been made available.